well, i've had a great first year at Rolling Hills Public Charter School. despite a few rather larger bumps in the road, this year has been an amazing experience! i am planning to stay next year...and indefinitely (unless of course God has a different plan). i truly love it here. i could write a book and bore you with all of the stories i have from this year but instead i will list some highlights: --my curriculum! gosh i love it. Bette Moore is a genius...i wouldn't have near as much fun without her music and keyboard curriculum.--teaching drama - my first year doing this and i love it.--programs: always a highlight. as i grow and learn as a teacher the programs become better, which makes me happy of course.--teaching keyboards to all grades...yes, all. crazy i know...i'm so proud of them all.--gifts. ha! there are perks to teaching in downtown Eagle/Boise area....you get cds and purses instead of homemade popcorn balls (not that i don't like those!). however, i love these gifts not because they are better than the average gift, i love them because they speak love to me. --there are a few families at this school who are really into bands and concerts and such....so obviously we have a lot to talk about. the mom or dad will come visit me to ask about the latest band i've found or tell me about the show they went to the other night. but the best part is that their kids come in to my room to sit and chat about Radiohead, Johnny Cash, Deah Cab, Coldplay, Tom Petty, etc. this blesses me so much.--Star Waiter - read my post. this was such an amazing experience.--the relationships i made with parents.--the relationships i made with students.--hugs and homemade cards (my favorite!)--Individual performances: once or twice a month i had a day called Individual Performance day. the kids would bring in a song to play or sing that they had been working on. i love watching their talents grow and grow! i have officially heard the best 3rd grade guitar player ever. being a teacher is such a joy. i love my job and am excited for next year!....but for now, i'll just take the summer off ok? (i meant that last statement with love people working this summer). :)