once every few months in my music classes i have a day that is dedicated to songwriting. we discuss songwriting often but on this particular day, the students have a chance to partner up and write a song to perform for the class. today is that day. i told them to write a song about fall that had to be at least 8 lines...of course some get it and some don't....here are a few of the 4th grade songs written and performed today:
"leaves turn red, yellow, and orange.
it's not all sunny and warm.
put on a jacket then you'll be fine.
then we'll go pumpkin picking and take them off the vine.
then we carve it and put it outside.
then comes winter, then comes spring,
now fall's over so now we sing!" - this one was a rap...super cute.
"my dad's stuffing the turkey.
i'm doing the Jello.
my mom's watching t.v.
my sister's being mellow.
my brother's a big fat pig.
he cut off my barbie's wig.
i didn't know what to do so i called it a man.
then i threw it in the garbage can." - the melody to this one was actually great, the lyrics...pretty funny but we did have to have a little talk after....hate having talks with my kids about being appropriate when i really just want to laugh my head off.
we'll see how the rest of the day goes.... :) cheers to songwriting youngsters!