Monday, May 5, 2008

similarities of a 3-year old and a 25-year old.

my neice is 3.
i am 25.
how is it that a 3-year old girl and a 25-year old woman can enjoy the same activities so incredibly much?
it is a beautiful thing.

i have lunch with my neice on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. i cherish these times.

a lunch in the life of Tee Tee ("Teets" more popularly as of late) and Addie:
--come home to, "Teets is home!"
--a running hug.
--argue whether my bathroom is really hers or mine.
--Addie hates when we argue (I of course find it rather funny)...she looks up at me, "Teets, stop! you are my aunt and i love you." and the argument over the bathroom is lost forever.
--play in the sandbox and make castles.
--listen to the Juno soundtrack (it's her favorite...well, mostly just the first and last songs). i play my piano horn and she plays a tin whistle. we dance and play and sing.
--have lunch.
--time to go back to work.
--"bye Addie, your my fav."
--"bye Teets, you're my fav too."

1 comment:

J said...

Awww, I love this! And, it makes me jealous! :)