Wednesday, June 25, 2008

free spirit.


lady: "you know what Katie, i never thought you would get married. you have always been such a free spirit i didn't think you would settle down...i'm very excited for you, just surprised you are getting married."
me: "thank you?"

i have played this conversation over in my mind a few too many, i realized i am reading into it. what the lady said is a compliment. i am glad she thinks of me as a free spirit.

to be quite honest, there have been times in my life i didn't think i would get married either...just ask Derek :). even a year ago i wasn't sure about the marriage thing. i mean, seriously, spending the rest of your life with one person?? wow. i've been known to be non-committal (everyone who knows laugh here).

i played a show at Capital Christian Center 2 years ago (on June the 28th...don't ask me why i remember that)...i watched this hot worship rocker dude lead worship before my show. after, he helped me carry my gear out to the car. we are getting married in 3 months and i couldn't be more excited. "he is my best" (statement inspired by Addy).

you know, i can still be a free spirit and a wife. yes, yes i can.

(sappy entry, i know...feel free to roll your eyes while reading) :)


Unknown said...

roll my eyes I didn't - but free spirit you are and I wouldn't have you any other way!! It just wouldn't fit!! Just don't let your kids run around screaming bad words just for a reaction - k - or pinching strangers butts in public, or doing splits in the front yard it their bathing suits when cute boys walk by, or - and the list goes on!! Love you

kylee said...

i will not be rolling my eyes, that is so great to read. i am very happy for you! more posts like this

Shawna said...

Katie, I hope you don't mind that I found your blog through Kara's. I just want you to know that I think you are a beautiful person inside and out. You have amazing talents that you use for God's glory! I am so excited that you have found the "one" to spend the rest of your life with! You can definitely be a free spirit AND a wife! Love ya!

katie henbest said...

thanks for the tips sissy. i'm not sure about the splits thing, that always seemed to work for know? :)

Kristen said...

i love your free spirit - it is what makes you the Katie Wilson my family love and adores. i wish i had an ounce of your free spirit. missed seeing you today!

naphtali said...

a free spirit definitely doesn't need to be a negative thing. you are truly special and perfect for Derek! love and miss you katie!