Friday, April 18, 2008

sweet Jo.

i realize it can be awkward to blog about your friends when they are an actual 'blog friend.' i just have to. i have a friend, and many of you know her...her name is Jolleen - also known as Jo Jo (not to be confused with Jodeling).

it is hard to write in words how sweet Jo truly is. there are few friends in life who give, encourage, and love you at all times. Jo is that friend to me. she is always steadfast. always trustworthy. always loving.

last night, i had a show at Flying M. Jo brought me a card and the most adorable vase you have ever laid eyes on with flowers in it...just to say good luck. she also brought me a card for my first (bigger) show a few years ago - and i still have it in my guitar case.

all this to say, i am so grateful to have her in my life. everyone needs a Jo Jo.


jeffrey greene said...

oh...i favorite...sho-ling...i mean jolling...i mean miss quimba. ugh!

Unknown said...

Katie, I LOVE you! This is too much...too much. I'm so glad I have YOU in MY life. :)